Camrose Police Warn of Increased Catalytic Converter Theft
The Camrose Police Service has received a sharp increase in reports of catalytic converter thefts over the recent days which included thefts that were committed in daylight hours in open, plain sight areas of our city.
As a reminder to our community, we value your vigilance in reporting suspicious activity at the time it is occurring as it may assist us to investigate these and other crimes.
Suspicious activity can present in many ways however, unfamiliar vehicles or individuals loitering in streets, alleys, and parking lots, and noise created by the cutting or grinding of metal on vehicle exhaust systems are two examples specifically related to catalytic converter theft.
There are various methods vehicle owners can employ to prevent catalytic converter thefts, one of which is the “Tag Your Cat” program initiated by the Alberta Motor Association where serial numbers can be applied to converters as a means of deterrence and tracking. See the AMA website for details.
If you observe suspicious activity in our community, please immediately report it to the Camrose Police Service by calling our complaint line at 780-672-4444.