Village of Galahad election results
As Village of Galahad was unable to meet our press deadline, here are the results that will not be included...
Delivering news and features from Flagstaff County & Area. The Community Press continues to be the #1 medium, 115 years and counting!
As Village of Galahad was unable to meet our press deadline, here are the results that will not be included...
Killam is overrun with scarecrows as part of the town's ongoing Scarecrow Festival. As a result, a few CP staff...
Dean Brodie scored the first goal in Friday night’s game against St. Paul. The Wheat Kings went on to lose...
Flagstaff County held its annual Small Business Gala and awards on Wednesday evening in the Killam Community Hall. (more…)
On Tuesday, Oct. 15, Michael and Silke Hentschel of the Lougheed Hotel, Haus Falkenstein, received some excellent news. (more…)
Killam residents are having some fun and showing their creativity thanks to an idea from Director of Community Services Charlene...
Hughenden Public School students are well settled into their various grades and classes. We wish to give a Wildcat welcome...
In honour of the ATB Financial’s 75th anniversary, branches around the province disbursed a total of $236,000 to various community...
Austin Wilson was named captain of the Killam Wheat Kings for the 2013-14 season. The Killam Wheat Kings hosted the...