Killam Wheat Kings wrap up the season on a high note; playoffs this weekend
The Killam Wheat Kings of the NEAJBHL won both weekend games to wrap up the regular 2015-16 season on a positive...
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The Killam Wheat Kings of the NEAJBHL won both weekend games to wrap up the regular 2015-16 season on a positive...
On Jan. 16 RCMP were notified of a Break and Enter to a garage in Galahad had occurred. The complainant...
A global project has been launched which will research the lives and wartime service of ‘Geordies' - from the North-East of England...
When Beto Perez forgot his music for an aerobic dance class he was teaching in the late 1990s, he had...
On Monday, Dec. 7 at approximately 3:15 p.m. Killam-Forestburg RCMP detachment responded to a robbery at the Sedgewick Gas Station...
Killam RCMP are looking for the public's help. (more…)
Congratulations to Paula Gagnon, who won $500 in Co-op gift cards from the Killam Wild Rose Co-op. Gagnon, left, was...
The Kinsella Satellite Bingo winner was Esther Johannesson of Hardisty. She won $2,341 this month. On the left, a smiling...
Due to a lack of physician coverage, the Emergency Department (ED) at the Hardisty Health Centre will be temporarily reducing...
The Daysland Northstars wrapped up their regular season with a pair of weekend games at home. Daysland beat Big Valley...
Colleen Mayne, former CAO of the village of Lougheed, served her last day in office on Friday, Jan. 15. (more…)
As of Jan. 1, both Strome and Galahad became hamlets. Cabinet approved the dissolution of both villages on Nov. 17...