New RCMP member looking forward to making a difference
If you attended the Lougheed Fair parade, on Aug. 12, you were one of the first people to meet the...
Delivering news and features from Flagstaff County & Area. The Community Press continues to be the #1 medium, 115 years and counting!
If you attended the Lougheed Fair parade, on Aug. 12, you were one of the first people to meet the...
Tamina Miller, of Alliance, says she had it all, a perfect live, an amazing husband, and two great kids. “I...
The Battle River Football Association, under new coaches Darek and Dave Graff, ended the 2016 season with five wins and...
The Village of Forestburg held its long-awaited Canada 150 celebrations last weekend, August 12 and 13. There was a multitude...
Leanne and Perry Gordon organized ‘Once more around the block for Ernie,’ a motorcycle ride around Flagstaff County to raise...
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Yesterday evening, most of Flagstaff County and parts of Beaver County experienced a prolonged power outage, starting at approximately 8:30...
Kendra Rawluk placed sixth in her first body building competition. She’s continuing her training to compete in June 2018. Photos...
Most of us spend spring and summer months trying to eradicate pesky dandelions from our yards, but John and Irene...
Hearing and speech impaired individuals within Flagstaff County are now able to register their cell phones to be able to...
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