Killam’s female midget Heat team undefeated
The Killam Heat female midget hockey team played the Innisfail Midget Flyers on Sunday Nov. 6 in Sedgewick. (more…)
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The Killam Heat female midget hockey team played the Innisfail Midget Flyers on Sunday Nov. 6 in Sedgewick. (more…)
The Sedgewick Sabres hosted the Big Valley Oil Kings on Friday, Nov. 4. (more…)
The Hardisty Stampeders played the Consort Comets three games this past weekend. (more…)
The Daysland Northstars hosted the Tofield Satellites in both teams’ season opener in the Battle River Hockey League last Wednesday,...
Killam Wheat Kings hosted the Saddle Lake Warriors on Friday, Nov. 4 in what turned out to be target practice...
The Alliance Community Development Committee showcased the artistic talents of their village and region by hosting the "A Day at...