Youth leader encourages teens to make a resolution to volunteer
As 2013 kicks off with a fairly promising start, people are already beginning to fulfill their New Year’s resolutions or...
Delivering news and features from Flagstaff County & Area. The Community Press continues to be the #1 medium, 115 years and counting!
As 2013 kicks off with a fairly promising start, people are already beginning to fulfill their New Year’s resolutions or...
The Town of Killam recently enacted a new animal control bylaw which repeals a former restricted, vicious, and guard dog...
The Forestburg Concert Series opened the 2013 season with an entertaining performance from Kat Danser, an Edmonton-based guitarist, songwriter, and...
Killam Minor Hockey held their Hockey Days this past weekend on Jan. 19 and 20 at the Killam Agriplex. (more…)
Flagstaff County offers Investment grants throughout the year, meant to help communities offer new short-term programs, or hold events, that...
According to information received from Battle River School Division late Thursday, during their January 10 board meeting trustees voted 5-3...
Daysland Northstars all but clinched first place with a 5-3 win in Tofield on Wednesday evening against the second place...
Ron Williams, of Strome, a charter member of the Central Alberta Historical Society, was honoured during the Edmonton Historical Society’s...
Idle no more, a movement who stand for indigenous sovereignty and protection of the land and water, planned a blockade,...
One last Christmas concert that we covered over our break! (more…)
Lougheed students performed a number of skits and cleverly presented readings for Christmas, wrapping up with a visit from Santa!...
Killam Public School students performed a number of different productions for parents, friends, and family at the Community Hall just...