Alliance Canada Day celebration picture perfect
On Monday, July 1, hundreds flocked to Alliance to take part in their 97th Canada Day celebration. (more…)
Delivering news and features from Flagstaff County & Area. The Community Press continues to be the #1 medium, 115 years and counting!
On Monday, July 1, hundreds flocked to Alliance to take part in their 97th Canada Day celebration. (more…)
On June 26, police responded to a report of multiple Breaks and Enters to sheds at the Sedgewick Golf course,...
For many, ghost sightings or encounters terrify at the thought. Others are very open to having visitors from beyond, and...
This Canada Day, why not whip up something quick, easy, portable, and delicious! Steak Salad with Chipotle Dressing is an...
This week's Community Press features a complaint about road conditions on Highway 861 south of the Battle River Bridge in...
The Sedgewick Lions Club and local volunteers recently installed a set of swings at the Lions Tire Park
The Hardisty Junior High held an art show in the school gymnasium on Thursday, June 13. (more…)
The Battle River Baseball League regular season games were interrupted by the unseasonal weather last week. (more…)
The Golden Prairie 4-H Club held its achievement day in Forestburg on Monday, May 20. (more…)
Killam’s 42nd Annual Indoor Rodeo kicked off on Friday, June 14 with 10 teams competing in the annual chili cook-off...