Diamonds in Lougheed busy with annual ball tournament
The Lougheed Ball Tournament on May long weekend has been a tradition forever, and this year was no exception. Ball...
Hospital Foundation hosting fun run/walk in Killam
The Killam Hospital Foundation is sponsoring a five kilometre walk or run this coming Saturday, May 25, as a healthy...
Killam Healthcare Centre welcomes doctor in training
The Killam Health Care Centre had a friendly new face amongst the staff this past month. It was Yazhini Subramanian,...
Sedgewick students plant 150 trees
Sedgewick Mayor Helen Whitten addressed students in Kindergarten through Grade 12 at Sedgewick School on Tuesday, May 21, welcoming all...
Here’s what else you will find in the May 21, 2013 Edition of The Community Press!
• Flagstaff Student wins Alberta-wide Caring for our Watersheds contest • RCMP report two impaired driving charges May 9 to...
Caribou Publishing EXTRA Feature – Tri-County Job Fair has over 400 visitors
With close to 40 different career exhibitors in attendance, the Tri-County Career Fair held in the Killam Agriplex on May...
New Hardisty CAO Kevin Miller
On May 1, Kevin Miller started his new job as Hardisty’s Chief Administrative Officer (CAO). As part of the shared...
Information statement from BRSD Trustees expresses continued support for AP360
In a statement received Friday from the Battle River School Division Administration in response to the recent petition signed by...
World famous trainer offers Mule Training Clinic in Forestburg
Jerry Tindell, a renowned mule and donkey trainer, held an open clinic at he Flagstaff Riding Arena from May 9...
Sedgewick Kindergarten offers moms exclusive spa treatment
Vicki Storbakken from the Sedgewick Kindergarten is always looking for new ideas for special projects for her class. (more…)