Killam invaded by Scarecrows in community festival


Killam residents are having some fun and showing their creativity thanks to an idea from Director of Community Services Charlene Jackson for the Killam Scarecrow Festival.

“Last year we all went pink,” says Jackson. “This year, we thought we could build on that.”


Jackson says the idea came while watching Amazing Race Canada, and seeing another town do something similar.
“We thought it would be fun.”


She’s hoping that it might become an annual event for the town, maybe a little earlier next year, with some added activities. “It could eventually even spread to other Flagstaff communities who might want to engage in a little friendly competition,” Jackson says.


The favourite Business and Residential scarecrows will be voted on, as well as a ‘People’s Choice’ selection.


If it catches on half as well as last summer’s Wild Pink Yonder, it should be very entertaining to see what people come up with.


Maybe it will be as contagious as well.