Edmonton pharmacist cancelled for unprofessional conduct

A Hearing Tribunal for the Alberta College of Pharmacy (ACP) has ordered the cancellation of the registration of an Edmonton pharmacist who was also the pharmacy’s owner and licensee.

Allegations were raised that Jeff T. Luong failed to properly cooperate with an insurer audit when he refused to provide relevant information and documentation regarding prescription claims. Allegations were also raised about Luong unacceptably dispensing drugs and medical devices to himself or his immediate family, and, at times, in the absence of a documented corresponding medical indication. During the investigation, Luong failed to cooperate with the ACP investigator, resulting in an additional allegation of unprofessional conduct.

The Hearing Tribunal found that, as a pharmacist and licensee, Luong acted unethically and inappropriately when he failed to cooperate and when he provided medications to himself and his family members. The panel expressed grave concerns with his failure to cooperate, pronouncing this type of conduct as indicative of being ungovernable. The Hearing Tribunal found Luong’s conduct was unprofessional and, as a licensee, he had engaged in misconduct. The Hearing Tribunal found that he failed to demonstrate the ethical conduct and professional judgement required of an Alberta pharmacist and pharmacy licensee, his actions undermined the integrity of the profession, and warranted significant sanctions.

In this matter, the Tribunal prescribed the following sanctions (amongst the most significant available):

  • Luong’s registration with ACP was cancelled (note Luong has not held an active practice permit since June 30, 2023);
  • fines totaling $30,000 to be paid within 90 days;
  • a prohibition on Luong serving as a pharmacy licensee, proprietor, or owner for 10 years (note that Luong’s pharmacy was permanently closed on May 23, 2023); and
  • Luong to pay 100 per cent of the costs of the investigation and hearing (note that the costs are $32,952).

Rationale for the Tribunal’s decision is reflected in the following statements from its May 8, 2024, sanctions decision:

The Hearing Tribunal finds that this is a case involving two very serious aspects of unprofessional conduct: 1) a pharmacist dispensing supplies and medications to themselves and family members when not appropriate and 2) a failure to cooperate in an investigation and insurer audit. The conduct involves dishonest conduct by the member, which benefitted him financially and seriously undermines the integrity of the profession. Members of the public rely on insurance to pay for their prescriptions and the health care system relies on the honesty and integrity of the self-regulated professionals within it to submit claims on their behalf. Luong failed to meet these obligations of honesty and integrity.


In addition, Luong’s failure or refusal to cooperate in the investigation, after refusing to cooperate with [the insurer’s] audit, raises a concern with respect to the College’s ability to regulate him as a member. In failing to cooperate with the investigation, Luong demonstrated a blatant disregard for the self-regulatory nature of the profession. If a college is unable to regulate its members, its ability to act as a self-regulating profession is placed in jeopardy.


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Luong’s response to the complaints and the College’s investigations was egregious. He tried to mislead the investigator as to the relationship between himself and patients and failed to address the questions, repeatedly stating that he was not “prepared to respond” or “not ready” to answer questions. Luong was given multiple opportunities to provide the requested information but failed to do so. This is conduct that is similar to Luong’s response to [the insurer] and its auditor, where Luong provided only limited documentation and refused to provide additional information, prior to ceasing to respond altogether.

The Tribunal’s complete decision on merit and sanctions can be found on the ACP website.

For more information, please contact:
Jenna Altrogge, Communications Advisor