Local Edge – Episode 9: Small Market Success Stories

Introducing you to a terrific podcast/video series produced by AdCanada Media. Welcome to LOCAL EDGE – A place for better understanding and connecting with small communities all across the country. Here we explore the value of these markets to advertisers, agencies, communities, and more. We bring you the latest news, insights and trends from the world of local advertising and marketing. For more information, please visit: www.adcanadamedia.ca

In Episode 9 of “Local Edge,” host Shawna Randolph delves into the strength of local investors in smaller markets compared to larger companies, featuring insightful conversations with three esteemed local publishers in western Canada.

Brandy Fredrickson, Owner/Publisher of the Drayton Valley and District Free Press, emphasizes the importance of a specialized team and community visibility.

Lana Meir, Owner/Publisher of Altona Rhineland Voice, highlights the enduring strength of print media in local markets.

Kate Winquist, Publisher of Your West Central Voice, underscores the significance of community support and unwavering commitment to staying local.

Check out Episode 1 hereEpisode 2 here  , Episode 3 here , Episode 4 here , Episode 5 here , Episode 6 here, Episode 7 here, Episode 8 here

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