Flagstaff Celebrates Success a sparkling evening celebrating small business

Flagstaff County hosted Flagstaff Celebrates Success on Wednesday, Oct. 17, at the Killam Community Hall to a sold out crowd.

The evening started out with a mini-marketplace with Flagstaff crafted objects, and included a table from guest speaker Rachel Mielke, owner and founder of Hillberg and Berk.

Reeve Don Kroetch got things started off, welcoming guests from all over the region. Kroetch said, “Small business is the economic backbone of virtually every community in Canada, and the Flagstaff Region is no exception.

“Small business is the driving force behind many of this country’s new jobs and is also the source of many of the innovative products and services available in the marketplace.

“Of course, we realize that here in the Flagstaff Region we face some challenges that are not unlike the challenges faced by other communities in rural Alberta.”

Kroetch acknowledged that a “lukewarm economy” hasn’t made things easy for Flagstaff’s business community.

“Fortunately, you are innovative and resourceful, and possess an entrepreneurial spirit that has helped you to adapt and persevere through some tough times.”

Kroetch’s message was “you’re not alone.” He gave some specific examples of projects from the Flagstaff County Economic Development Department, like the REACH program, which had 12 participants, and a few with notable accomplishments. He also mentioned the Flagstaff Region tourism and lifestyle campaign, recently recognized nationally with four marketing awards.

Another success is the Flagstaff Featured Business, a monthly video and print feature in partnership with The Community Press.

“We’re working collaboratively with our communities, too. Some of our partnerships include the Battle River Economic Opportunities Committee (BREOC), the Daysland Business Association, Battle River Rail train excursions, and the Killam Chamber of Commerce, to name a few.

“Lastly, Flagstaff Crafted… you’ll hear more about this shortly, but we believe this program is going to have a major impact for the Flagstaff business community.”

Flagstaff County Economic Development Officer Kristy Jackson went into more detail about the new Flagstaff Crafted program.

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Leslie Cholowsky