Killam bids farewell to Gordie Enghoj

Gordie Enghoj

Killam and district residents wished long-time Killamite and Killam Wheat Kings’ #1 Fan Gordie Enghoj a Happy Birthday and farewell on Monday.

Gordie celebrated his 83rd birthday at the Killam Krossing on Sept. 16 at a come-and-go party that also offered residents and his many friends (and girlfriends) a chance to say a heartfelt goodbye to a man who has been the face of Killam hockey fandom for decades.

Gordie, a childhood polio survivor, is known to all ages, young and old, as someone who personifies community and volunteerism. In 2010, the ACE Committee named the new skate park in his honour when the recently redesigned Heritage Park officially reopened to residents in September of that year.

Gordie has moved to Red Deer to live with his brother and will be greatly missed around the rink.