Municipal elections nomination deadline approaching

There is need for members of the public to rise up and serve their communities, and the upcoming municipal elections is that opportunity.

Alberta Municipal elections are set; nomination day is Sept. 23 and election day is Oct. 21. A municipality may change these dates if they file notice with the province, as Lougheed has elected to do; their nomination day is Sept. 21 and election day is Oct. 19.

Elections have three distinct phases, nominations, campaigning, and election day.

The Community Press will take you through the electoral process, highlighting each phase over the next few weeks.

Nominations supply candidates for municipal councils and school boards in Alberta.

Before seeking or accepting nominations, there are things that a potential candidate should know, consider, and do to secure their candidacy.

Bud James, Mayor of Killam, suggests in his blog, “You should attend a Council meeting to get an idea of the issues and the process; contact a councillor or your mayor and get together for a coffee; have a conversation with the CAO in your community; and visit the municipal website to review the various strategic plans and bylaws your community has in place.”

Read the rest of the story in the September 3, 2013 Edition of The Community Press!