New Sedgewick bylaw updates Cemetery monument sizes, will enforce and destroy unapproved ornaments and decorations

The Cemetery Bylaw in Sedgewick says that lawn ornaments, including solar lights, stuffed ornaments, glass vases, or any unapproved objects are not allowed as grave decorations, and will be removed starting Oct. 16.

With the third reading of Sedgewick’s updated Cemetery Bylaw 491, Council has updated the Sedgewick Cemetery’s monument sizes to a maximum size of 36 inches by 16 inches for a single, or 44 inches by 22 inches for a double.

As well, with the updated bylaw, the Town has announced its intention to enforce all parts of the Cemetery bylaw, including those which have always been in place, but not strictly enforced.

One part of the bylaw that may have the biggest immediate impact, for those who have loved ones buried in, or who have visited the cemetery, is the part pertaining to grave decorations.

Sedgewick CAO Amanda Davis says that the only changes to the bylaw were the monument sizes, saying grave decoration rules are unchanged.

“We received some complaints regarding monument sizes,” she said.

“Council also identified that the cemetery needed to be cleaned up.”

Under the Cemetery bylaw, any grave decorations placed at the cemetery must conform to the certain guidelines, which state in part that flowers and similar decorations are to be placed in approved monument base-flush-mounted containers only.

Lawn ornaments, solar lights, and stuffed animals do not constitute approved grave decorations, nor can any items made of glass or china, including flower vases, be placed as decorations.

Any decorations that do not conform to the bylaw will now be removed by the Cemetery Supervisor.

Davis says that town residents were invited to and did provide feedback on the bylaw during forums and public meetings.

Non-permitted decorations remaining on the graves will be removed by the Cemetery Supervisor starting Oct. 16.

Leslie Cholowsky